Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Our Body As The Temple

Tonight's WOTB discussed how our bodies are a temple for the Lord. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit within us and must be in constant recognition of this as we move throughout our daily activities.

1 Corinthians 6: 18-20 explains that when we defile our bodies, we defile the Holy Spirit that lives within us. The picture that the Bible portrays is through sexual relationships that occur outside of holy matrimony.

Some may think that their actions are their own, when in truth they are affecting others. For instance, it hurts God. It is disappointing to Him that we give in to the desires of our flesh, rather than the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It also affects others in the sense that it causes them to violate their commitment to God. Take a look at Romans 14. It guides us to not consume things that can cause others to falter.

God calls us to live joyfully because He is with us all the time. You know, dance in the rain. Laugh in the face of danger...

My friend's pastor at Greater Christ Temple often says: "This flesh is a mess!" Meaning we need to not let the weary flesh guide us, rather be led by the Spirit of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Find time to speak with God. Don't know what to say? Just start with easy conversation. And, be honest! One of the women at Bible study said her mom taught her to pray: "Lord, my spirit is strong, but my flesh is weak." By saying this, you are acknowledging that your spirit longs for the Lord, but there are temptations attacking your flesh. (By the way, God wants you to ask Him for help. So...ask!)

"Do not be foolish but understand what the Lord's will is."

Ephesians 5:17 again reiterates that we must live wisely. Are you curious as to whether or not it's OK to drink, get a tatoo, or...? This conjured up a grand discussion at our study. Granted none of us have attended a seminary school, we gathered information from the Bible to answer these questions. For instance, the verse in Ephesians clearly states to not get drunk on wine because your lack of sense will cause you to be vulnerable to stupidity. Ok, I changed the words a bit. But you get my point.

Leaders of the church often discard the idea of alcohol consumption entirely because it's so easy to have one-two-many. So, they will not encourage you to practice 'responsibility' because there are so many church members who are recovering alcoholics, not responsible, give in to their weak flesh more often than to their God breathed spirit; etc. For these reasons, it makes complete sense to avoid it altogether!

In the Bible it suggests we get drunk off of the Spirit through song and praise. This is the opening track of of CeCe Winans Alabaster Box:

Fill my cup Lord/High I lift it up Lord/Come and quench this thirsting in my soul./Bread from Heaven/feed me til I want no more/Fill my cup/Fill it up/And make me whole.//

I used to sing this during college when I was going through difficult times. Just by singing it from my heart, I was strengthening my spirit. Give it a try sometime; I recommend it.

Furthermore, if the Bible is telling us to know the will of the Lord and to abide by it, then we know we have to make educated decisions. That is, the Bible does not forbid us to drink, but if you have a problem stopping after two then don't you think it's wise to let this demon go? And, tatoos are forbidden in Leviticus (Old Testament) because the ink tainted the body. However, since the New Testament we've consumed meat- including pork- because God does not want us to address any of His creations as 'unclean'. Still, what are these markings you cover your body with? Be wise as to what message you are sending to others, and to yourself on a daily basis. After all, "what you put up with, you end up with."

For me it was difficult to truly abide by the Spirit because I was uneducated in my walk with the Lord. Although I have always been a Christian, I didn't always understand the life I had to lead. Then, I had that A-HA! moment when you finally understand why 4+4=8. Once I finally got that, I knew that I it wasn't enough just to be a nice person who gives to others selflessly, attends church, and calls their self a Christian.

I have to literally be the image of God, and I'll learn how through the Word and the message shared by my pastors and anything/one the Lord sends my way to speak to me.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

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